24 Hrs Support for All Technical Services: IMSAG Singapore (Technical Head Quarter): +6597208465 E.mail: tech@imsag.org
MSC-e Certificates
Licensing by Examination Standards
Assessor Guide for Conducting Mariner Assessments
Merchant Marine Personnel Certification Requirements
Examination System for Merchant Marine Personnel
Minimum-Requirements and Standards for Appointment as a Flag State Assessor
Survey and Certification for the BWM Convention
Flag State Inspector Program
List of Certificates and Documents required to be Carried Onboard Ships
Manila Amendments to the STCW ConventionMinimum SafeManning Certificates
Crew Article of Agreement Between Seafarer & Master
Corona Virus Disease Updates
Port State Control
Application for Authorization as RO
Implementation of the 2018 Amendments to the Maritime Labour Convention 2006
Implementation of MARPOL Annex IV Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Sewage
LRIT Implementation
Radio Message Accounting Procedures and Radio Accounting Authorities
Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR)
MSC. Fee Schedule